According to survey research conducted by Neenco among 7,316 SEO services buyers, 84.14% of clients were NOT satisfied with the results of many SEO companies, whose services they’ve used.

3 The Most Popular Reasons of Client Unsatisfactory:
- Some time after the work has been started, client didn’t see significant traffic increase and terminated the contract.SEO Companies Mistake – it is necessary to explain to the client, that:
- He’ll see traffic increase only after achieving the 1st page of search results!
- Traffic difference between 10 & 11 positions can be 1,000 times and more!
- Traffic difference between 1 & 10 positions can be 100 times and more!
You need to track the results. NOT by traffic increase on your site, but by tracking your site rankings improvement in search results!
- Client saw that his site is “not far” from the 1st page of search results, and he thought that it would be easy to get there.SEO Companies Mistake – it is necessary to explain to the client, that:
- The competition between Top 200 & Top 50 positions may differ in 1 link.
- The competition between Top 15 & Top 10 positions may differ in 100 links.
- The competition between Top 10 & Top 3 positions may differ in 1,000 links, and sometimes in 100,000 links.
- Client purchased links for $1,000-$20,000 and didn’t see any results.SEO Companies Mistake – it is necessary to explain to the client, that:
- Selected keywords are highly competitive, and to achieve Top 10 results they may need to invest $1,000+ into links monthly during a long term. Sometimes – up to 1-2 years!
- We recommend our clients to read this article in order to avoid mistakes of other people. It will be a pleasure for us if you also link to this article.
- It is necessary to persuade the client to achieve high rankings for less competitive keywords first. Linking to this article will seriously help you doing that 🙂
- Always ask SEO company how much money & TIME (many forget about this factor) you will need to invest to achieve Top 10 search results.
Note: do NOT ask for just “results” because SEO companies treat rankings improvement from position #648 to position #21 as a good result, and for your questions they will tell you “you’ll see results in 2 months”. But 2 months later you’ll be very disappointed since you will NOT see any TRAFFIC increase at all (what you actually need). Moreover, if you don’t track your rankings changes, you may not even find out about your rankings increase! - If you are NOT ready to wait 6 months or longer before you start to receive traffic for some keywords, choose less competitive keywords.
- Focus your efforts on 3-5 major selected keywords.