For many website owners or bloggers, you may have written thousands of articles on your white hat website or blog. So, you are keen to carry out some SEO work to your website but think that it can be an overwhelming task and is very hard to do so.
Well, if your article is written for low competition keyword and long tail terms, then it actually doesn’t need to have a campaign for you to put in place for link building.

I have been in the world of SEO for many years and I can share with you some of my experience now. Even you are having limited time and resource for you to start a link building campaign for each and every article in your website, nonetheless you can still build links for each of them.
Benefits of Building Easy Backlinks
The thing that I going to show you is in fact very straight forward and anyone with or without SEO knowledge can simply implement it. However, it can be quite surprised where lot of people even the so called SEO experts can just miss the reason why they need to do the basic of SEO work.
For carry out the basic SEO work, there are 3 simple reasons lie behind.
- Indexing new post that just posted on your website.
- Provide some social signals through your social medias.
- Provide naked anchor texts on the backlinks to link back to your website.
Page Indexing is Guarantee
At the time you carry out the task of building easy backlinks, the post that going to get indexed by search engine like Google is virtually guaranteed. Besides, the link also make it possible for you to add a foundation of naked anchor texts for your keyword. This will provide you with some helps when you are going to run your link building campaigns in future.
For the time being, let’s say you get 10 fresh links to your post through basic link building, which mean later on you can build a few links that are keyword rich without worry your post will get penalized because of the keyword rich anchor texts.
The 7 Easy Fundamental Backlinks
So, how we can build the easy link for our new post? Well, every time I post a new article on my website, I will then build the following links and social signals that link back to my post:
- Facebook Profile Share
- Facebook Page Share
- Tweet the post
- Google Plus Profile Post
- Google Plus Branded Page Post
- Google Plus Community Post
- Website Blogger Share
That’s it. Simple and easy, right? These 7 backlinks will guarantee that my new post is going to get indexed by Google. It requires no effort at all and is perfectly safe.
Backlinks That Provide Heavy Traffic Lifters
For your information, you need to know that for all the backlinks that you build in social signals, only Google Plus will provide you with real SEO value. The rest carry no SEO value at all. However, you shouldn’t neglect all the aforementioned backlinks as they still are crucial to be as a foundation backlinks for your website.
To get more from it, there are some other easy backlinks that can provide you with ranking and traffic.
- Yahoo Answers
- Google Sites
- Quora
- Reddit Link Share
Yes, most people are saying that Yahoo answers is dying, but it still provides traffic. Sharing of Google site can said to be a free branded Web 2.0 like blogger with high TF and CF. If you not aware of, Quora is actually a traffic monster if you are having well crafted and aged accounts. While Reddit is a hit or miss. Sometimes I get traffic from Reddit with the link. Other times I may get a naked anchor text link with nofollow attribute.
I tend to have branded Google properties for sharing my posts. I also won’t miss out Google sites as it’s free and is very easy to build contextual link.
Final Thing
By doing all the abovementioned work, you will get 10 easy backlinks for every post in your website. You need to know that shares from social media are huge, especially Google Plus which can be quite strong backlink for you.
Q&A Sites
You can also search for Question & Answer sites where they are also easy backlinks where you can build and get traffic.
Once everything is accomplished, you can then build some harder links with your Google Sites.
I will carry out all the tasks as I stated in this post, and my post always get indexed by Google right after I finish building all the backlinks. Sometime, some very low competition keywords will also start to get rank by only building these links.
After sometime, if I think launching a link building campaign is necessary, as I already have the social signals and naked anchor texts being built before, which mean I can be more aggressive to go with my link building campaign.
Therefore, do remember every time once you post an article on your website, just go and build these easy backlinks. All these can generate traffic for your website and they just make your SEO life easier.