About Us

[vc_row][vc_column][trx_columns][trx_column_item][trx_image url=”16″][/trx_column_item][trx_column_item][trx_highlight type=”0″ color=”#143982″ size=”3.2em” line_height=”1.3em” style=”margin-top: -0.2em; margin-bottom: 0.5em; font-weight: 600; display: block;”]About Our Company[/trx_highlight][vc_column_text]Malaysia SEO Expert has been in the web design and SEO industry since 2015, adapting constant changes in major search engine algorithm such as the renown Google Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird. Despite that, Dayo Media has a team that have involved in SEO for a long time, varies from 1 year to 8 years and are very experienced in this field. Today Dayo Media is among the world’s leading experts in search engine optimization especially in Malaysia. We are here to provide the best services and results for our clients.

Search engine optimization (SEO) plays an important role in the success of many businesses There are plenty of benefits business owners can get from running a profitable SEO campaign. As a result, hiring an experienced SEO company is a crucial element that can greatly catapult a business website to a better and higher position on search engine results pages. is an experienced company which offers customized SEO solutions to their clients after carefully analysing their client’s main business goals, competition and focus.[/vc_column_text][/trx_column_item][/trx_columns][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row bg_type=”bg_color” css=”.vc_custom_1544848215075{background-color: #e0d69f !important;}” bg_color_value=”#aacbef”][vc_column][trx_title]

Our Objectives


We have pinpointed some objectives that we strive for in order to get to you the best of results. The main objectives we’re after are:

Search Engine Ranking

This is our ultimate objective with all our services. We look to ensure that your brand and its online presence (website, blog, etc.) are amongst the top results in related keyword search on search engines like Google, Bing, etc. When you have a good ranking in search results, your page online gets more clicks and therefore, more traffic than ever before.

ROI Maximization

We know you must want good Return on Investment and that is why our secondary objective is ROI maximization. Our services work to make sure that whatever investment you are making with us pay off in high profits. Our believe is a business is truly successful if their ROI is higher than their investment – We makes sure your brand is successful when it comes to your search engine marketing campaign.

Better Online Presence

When you gain high traffic, your online presence automatically becomes more solid and reputable. However, in addition to this, we provides services that make your website and social media (online presence) enjoy high traffic, leads, and conversions.

Success for Your Business

When you have a high online following, you have a high potential for success because your virtual followers are actually potential customers. The more the traffic, the more the chances of high sales volume and profits. This puts success in the bag for your business.

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Your Expert SEO Consultant


Rich and Varied Talent:

Malaysia SEO Expert has stood the test of time. It has survived over a long period of time and its rich in experience hence it is the best agency with the best SEO services. It has highly qualified and flexible experts who are continually trained to handle the ever changing SEO algorithms. It continually updates information about any changes hence its able to deliver the services clients expect.

Large Return on Investment:

As it is always the case, the bottom line of hiring a reliable SEO company is to increase one’s return on investment(ROI). By hiring the services of Dayo Media, one will be able to achieve a long term quality result since it adheres to the organic SEO techniques. A huge return on investment means a better reputation and more business for the business owner. This company gives the best results in exchange for the sum one is paying for thier services.

Quick Response:

Whenever one places a call or sends us an email, we respond almost immediately. We effectively assess the potential of a particular site and make recommendations that will swiftly improve its performance. Owing to the fact that SEO has constant changes and developments taking place every day, we have also come up with measures that enable them to adapt in the shortest time possible to an ever changing environment.

Tracking Performance:

Any SEO service provider can claim to offer professional services, but unless they are able to prove their results, it is when they can be trusted with a certain job. We provide our clients with proven results demonstrating how we have managed to help other clients in the same position rise up the search engine rankings for specific keywords.


At Malaysia SEO Expert, we not only produces good results, but we also show our clients how. We demonstrate the result of every move we take to rank your site.

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Quality articles for your contents

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Rank your website higher in search engine

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Limitless color combinations (build your own style)

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Compatible with any eCommerce solutions

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100% responsive layout design

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Our Aim


To be the most reliable company for businesses to go to when they need to improve their business success through SEO. We work towards this aim by delivering professional quality SEO services in a manner that is exceptional and exceeds all customer expectations.

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Our Values

[/trx_title][vc_column_text]We looks to serve you with the best of services and that is why we have maintained ethical values in our level of service. These values are:

Honesty: Our services extended towards you as well as all communication that we keep with you is honest and reliable. We don’t sugarcoat anything neither do we promise that which we can’t serve. This way, our clients can rest assured that they are actually receiving what we say they are.

Dedication: The entire team behind Malaysia SEO Expert works dedication. Dedication to this company, dedication to our services, and dedication to our clients – we are truly committed.

Discipline: Timeliness, rightness of work, and proper conduction of work all make us a disciplined team of SEO experts. While we are friendly and positive, we are extremely strict when it comes to maintaining our discipline.

Professionalism: Professionalism allows us to serve you in the best way possible. From our services to our demeanor, everything is professional.

Our clients will enjoy the highest quality of SEO works implemented for their business, resulting in positive results. Obtain our services for your business today! For a FREE analysis of your website, or any questions, concerns, or issues, please feel free to get in touch with us today.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][trx_line top=”0″ bottom=”6em”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][trx_columns count=”3″][trx_column_item span=”2″][trx_skills title=”Web skills” type=”arc”][trx_skills_item title=”JavaScript” level=”95″][/trx_skills_item][trx_skills_item title=”CSS3″ level=”90″][/trx_skills_item][trx_skills_item title=”HTML5″ level=”80″][/trx_skills_item][trx_skills_item title=”PHP” level=”53″][/trx_skills_item][trx_skills_item title=”MySQL” level=”45″][/trx_skills_item][/trx_skills][/trx_column_item][trx_column_item][trx_title type=”2″]Digital Marketing Skills[/trx_title][trx_skills count=”5″][trx_skills_item title=”SEO” level=”98%”][/trx_skills_item][trx_skills_item title=”Web Design” level=”96%”][/trx_skills_item][trx_skills_item title=”PPC Advertising” level=”97%”][/trx_skills_item][trx_skills_item title=”Social Media Advertising” level=”92%”][/trx_skills_item][trx_skills_item title=”Email Marketing” level=”96%”][/trx_skills_item][/trx_skills][/trx_column_item][/trx_columns][/vc_column][/vc_row]